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Pickleball Shoes: Are They Necessary?

Pickleball player selecting pickleball shoes in a shoe store.

One subject that often generates considerable debate in pickleball is the need for dedicated pickleball shoes. Are they necessary, or can players lace up their favorite sneakers and hit the court? As a fast-paced game demanding agility and swift footwork, the role of footwear in pickleball is crucial.

This article explores the importance of proper footwear, the features you should look for in a pickleball shoe, and the potential impact on your performance. We’ll also delve into experts’ opinions and present a guide to picking the optimal pair for your needs.

So, whether you’re a seasoned pro or a pickleball novice, stick with us to unravel the pickleball shoe mystery.  Let’s dive in!

Table of Contents

The Importance of Proper Footwear in Pickleball

When playing pickleball, many players often overlook the importance of proper footwear. Pickleball shoes are designed to provide the necessary support, stability, and traction to move quickly on the court and execute quick lateral movements.

Not all athletic shoes are created equal, and wearing the wrong type of footwear can lead to discomfort, injury, and decreased performance. Investing in a good pair of pickleball shoes can significantly impact your game.

Additionally, shoes designed for pickleball help protect the court’s surface from damage, ultimately ensuring a better experience for everyone. So, if you want to elevate your game and take your skills to the next level, ensure your feet are equipped with the best equipment.

Are There Specific Shoes for Pickleball?

Pickleball may not be as fast-paced as basketball or tennis, but it still requires a specific type of court shoe. Pickleball shoes should provide excellent traction, stability, and support to help prevent slips, falls, and other injuries.

These shoes are different from regular athletic shoes, as they have a non-marking sole that won’t damage indoor courts and are designed to accommodate the quick turns and sudden stops that pickleball players make throughout a game.

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a beginner just starting out, finding the right shoes can make all the difference in your game. So, is investing in a dedicated pair of pickleball shoes necessary? Let’s find out.

Do You Wear Different Pickleball Shoes for Different Court Surfaces?

Yes, the court surface can influence the type of pickleball shoes that may be more suitable for optimal performance and traction. Different court surfaces have varying characteristics that impact shoe selection:

  1. Indoor Courts: Indoor courts, often made of wood, composite, or other smooth surfaces, require shoes with non-marking soles to prevent scuffing and provide adequate grip. Shoes designed for indoor courts typically have smoother, less aggressive outsoles optimized for these surfaces.
  2. Outdoor Courts: Outdoor pickleball courts are commonly made of asphalt, concrete, or textured surfaces. Shoes for outdoor play often feature more durable and rugged outsoles with deeper treads to provide better traction on rougher surfaces.
  3. Versatile Shoes: Some court shoes are designed to be versatile and suitable for both indoor and outdoor play. These shoes often have a tread pattern that balances grip on smooth indoor courts and durability for outdoor surfaces.
Women's pickleball shoes on the pickleball court

Consider the specific demands of the court surface where you predominantly play pickleball. Choosing court shoes tailored to that surface can enhance your grip, stability, and overall performance. 

Wearing versatile shoes might be a practical choice if you frequently play on indoor and outdoor courts. Always check the shoe’s specifications to ensure they’re suitable for the surfaces you’ll be playing on to optimize your game experience.

Still curious about the different shoe options depending on the court surface? Click here to learn more about the differences between indoor and outdoor pickleball shoes

Key Features to Look for in Pickleball Shoes

Have you ever felt uncomfortable with your shoes during the game? Well, that’s why choosing the right pickleball shoes is crucial. They not only provide comfort but also improve your performance on the court.

So, what features should you consider when purchasing a pair of pickleball shoes? Plenty! A good pair will have them all from better traction to durable soles. One of the most essential factors to look for is support. A pair of shoes with excellent support will protect your feet from sudden twists and sprains, allowing you to play confidently and prevent injury.

For those considering investing in pickleball shoes, there are a few key features to keep an eye out for. These include:

Lateral Support

Lateral support is crucial in pickleball shoes due to the sport’s dynamic nature, involving frequent side-to-side movements, quick changes in direction, and sudden stops.

During a pickleball game, players often move laterally to cover the court, pivot, and execute side-to-side shuffling movements. Lateral support in shoes helps stabilize the foot and ankle during these movements, reducing the risk of rolling or twisting an ankle. It prevents excessive side-to-side foot motion within the shoe, providing better control and stability, which are essential for maintaining balance and preventing injuries like sprains or strains.

Shoes with good lateral support typically have features like sturdy sidewalls, reinforced materials, and supportive structures around the midfoot and heel, all of which work together to keep the foot properly aligned and supported during the varied movements inherent in pickleball.


Cushioning plays a vital role in pickleball shoes for several reasons:

  1. Impact Absorption: Pickleball involves a lot of movement, jumping, and sudden stops, leading to repetitive impact on your feet. Cushioning helps absorb some of that shock, reducing the stress on your joints, especially your ankles, knees, and lower back.
  2. Comfort: Proper cushioning ensures comfort during extended play. It helps prevent discomfort, blisters, and foot fatigue, allowing you to focus on your game rather than discomfort caused by inadequate shoe support.
  3. Injury Prevention: Cushioning can mitigate the risk of certain injuries by providing a buffer against the forces generated during quick movements and sudden changes in direction. It can help prevent issues like stress fractures or overuse injuries caused by repetitive impacts on hard surfaces.
  4. Stability: While cushioning provides softness, it also contributes to stability. It helps maintain a stable base while moving laterally, pivoting, or making quick directional changes.

The right balance of cushioning is crucial—sufficient to provide comfort and absorb impact without compromising the shoe’s overall stability and support. Different players may prefer varying levels of cushioning based on their playstyle and personal comfort preferences.


Traction in pickleball shoes is essential for several reasons:

  1. Grip on Court Surfaces: Pickleball is played on various court surfaces, including indoor wood, concrete, or outdoor asphalt. Traction helps players maintain a firm grip on the court, allowing them to make quick movements, stops, and pivots without slipping. It enhances stability and control during lateral movements, preventing accidental slips that could lead to injuries.
  2. Quick Directional Changes: The nature of pickleball involves rapid changes in direction. Good traction ensures players can efficiently push off, stop, and change direction without losing footing, enabling agility and swift movements across the court.
  3. Preventing Falls: A lack of traction can increase the risk of falls, especially on slippery or dusty courts. Proper traction minimizes the chances of losing balance or sliding unexpectedly, reducing the risk of injuries such as sprains or strains.
  4. Confidence and Performance: Having adequate traction gives players the confidence to move aggressively and perform at their best without worrying about slipping or losing control.

Pickleball shoes with quality outsoles designed specifically for the sport offer varying patterns and materials optimized for grip and traction on different court surfaces, ensuring players can move effectively and safely during gameplay.


Comfort in pickleball shoes is paramount for optimal performance and injury prevention on the court. A comfortable pair lets players concentrate fully on their game, facilitating unrestricted movement and enhancing overall performance.

Moreover, well-fitting and comfortable shoes significantly decrease the risk of injuries caused by discomfort, ensuring that players can move naturally and avoid overuse or foot-related issues.

Comfortable footwear also promotes endurance, allowing players to enjoy extended play without experiencing fatigue or discomfort. Ultimately, individual preferences play a role, as each player may seek specific materials or cushioning levels that suit their feet and playing style.

A pickleball court covered with pickleball shoes


Durability is a key factor in pickleball shoes for several reasons:

  1. Longevity: Durable shoes will withstand the rigors of regular play, lasting longer before needing replacement. This is especially important for frequent players who want their shoes to maintain performance over time.
  2. Cost-effectiveness: Durable shoes may have a higher upfront cost, but they often offer better value for money in the long run. They won’t wear out as quickly, reducing the need for frequent replacements.
  3. Consistent Performance: As shoes age, their structural integrity can weaken. Durable shoes maintain their support, cushioning, and traction for longer, ensuring consistent performance throughout their lifespan.
  4. Injury Prevention: Worn-out shoes can decrease support and stability, potentially increasing the risk of injuries. Durable shoes maintain their structural integrity, providing reliable support and reducing the likelihood of foot, ankle, or leg injuries.
  5. Playing Conditions: Pickleball can be played indoors and outdoors on different surfaces. Durable shoes are better equipped to handle the wear and tear from various court surfaces, maintaining their performance regardless of where you play.

Investing in durable pickleball shoes ensures that you get the most out of your footwear in terms of both performance and protection, allowing you to focus on the game without concerns about premature wear or structural issues.

Ventilation and Breathability

Ventilation and breathability are paramount in pickleball shoes for several reasons. Firstly, they facilitate air circulation around the feet, preventing heat buildup and ensuring comfort during intense gameplay. This airflow also helps manage moisture by wicking away sweat, reducing the chances of blisters, discomfort, and potential bacterial or fungal growth. 

Additionally, well-ventilated shoes contribute to better foot health, decreasing the likelihood of issues like athlete’s foot or toenail fungus that thrive in damp environments. Enhanced breathability maintains foot hygiene and enhances overall performance by keeping the feet cool, comfortable, and free from potential distractions caused by overheating or moisture buildup.

Click here to read more on the ventilation and breathability of pickleball shoes

Do Pickleball Shoes Help Prevent Injuries?

Pickleball shoes are designed specifically for the demands of the sport, offering features like better lateral support, cushioning, and grip on indoor and outdoor courts. While they can’t completely prevent injuries, they provide advantages that reduce the risk of certain injuries.

Good pickleball shoes can offer stability during quick lateral movements, cushioning to absorb impact, and traction to prevent slips, contributing to a safer playing experience.

However, it’s important to combine proper footwear with other injury prevention measures like warm-ups, stretching, and playing with proper technique to minimize the risk of injury. For more information, read our blog on pickleball injuries

The Impact of Wearing the Right Shoes on Your Pickleball Performance

Proper footwear not only helps prevent injuries but can also greatly enhance your performance. You’ll have improved stability, agility, and speed on the court with the right shoes. This can make all the difference in a fast-paced game like pickleball.

Additionally, wearing shoes designed for the sport can provide a mental edge and boost confidence, allowing you to focus on your game rather than worrying about your feet.

Do You Really Need Pickleball Shoes?

If you’re new to pickleball, you might wonder whether you need to invest in a pair of dedicated pickleball shoes. The truth is that having the right footwear can make a big difference in your game.

Pickleball shoes are specifically designed to provide the support, agility, and stability necessary for quick movements on the court. They typically have non-marking soles, which are crucial for indoor play, and many offer extra cushioning in high-impact areas to protect your feet and joints.

While it’s certainly possible to play pickleball in any athletic shoes you have on hand, investing in a pair of pickleball shoes can help you feel more confident and comfortable on the court. This can give you an edge over your opponents.

How to Choose the Right Pickleball Shoes

A man deciding which pickleball shoes to buy

Selecting the right pickleball shoes involves considering several factors to ensure they meet your specific needs and preferences:

  1. Court Surface: Determine the primary surface you’ll be playing on—indoor, outdoor, or both. Choose shoes with appropriate outsoles designed for the specific court surface to optimize traction and durability.

  2. Support and Cushioning: Look for shoes that offer ample support around the ankles and arches. Cushioning should be adequate to absorb impact and provide comfort during quick movements.

  3. Fit and Comfort: Ensure a proper fit by measuring your feet accurately and trying on different brands/styles. The shoes should feel snug but not too tight, with enough room for toe movement. Find shoes with a wide-toe box if necessary. Walk around or simulate pickleball movements in the shoes to check for comfort and flexibility.

  4. Breathability and Materials: Pick shoes made from breathable materials to keep your feet cool and dry during play. Mesh panels or breathable fabrics help in ventilation.

  5. Durability: Consider the shoe’s construction and materials to ensure they can withstand the demands of pickleball play. Reinforced areas, quality stitching, and durable outsoles contribute to longevity.

  6. Weight and Flexibility: Choose shoes that balance stability and lightweight flexibility. Shoes that offer support and the ability to move swiftly on the court are ideal.

  7. Budget and Brand Preferences: Set a budget and explore reputable brands for producing quality pickleball or court-specific shoes. Consider customer reviews and recommendations.

  8. Try Before Buying: Whenever possible, try on the shoes and walk around to ensure they feel comfortable and supportive. If buying online, check the return policy to allow for exchanges if the fit isn’t right.

By evaluating these factors and prioritizing what matters most to your playing style and preferences, you can make an informed decision when choosing the right pair of pickleball shoes.

Are you ready to buy your first pair of pickleball shoes? For help, check out our blog on The Best Pickleball Shoes for Beginners

Pickleball Shoe Showdown: Indoor vs. Outdoor

Indoor and outdoor pickleball shoes are purpose-built to cater to the distinct demands of each playing environment. Indoor shoes prioritize features like gum rubber soles for optimal traction on smooth surfaces, offering excellent grip for quick lateral movements essential in indoor courts. They often focus on lightweight construction and enhanced flexibility to facilitate swift changes in direction. 

In contrast, outdoor pickleball shoes emphasize durability, employing tougher outsoles to withstand rougher terrains like asphalt or concrete. They often incorporate thicker treads or patterns for improved traction on varied outdoor surfaces. Here are some key differentiators between indoor and outdoor pickleball shoes:  

Indoor Pickleball Shoes

• Prevent mark-up on the hardwood/synthetic court surfaces
• Have flat-soles
• Have little to no tread
• Are designed to enhance footwork on slick surfaces

Outdoor Pickleball Shoes

• Have a denser/thicker sole
• Have deep tread patterns
• Are designed for increased grip
• Are typically made from water-resistant materials

Still curious? Click here to learn more about the differences between indoor and outdoor pickleball shoes

Measuring Your Feet for Pickleball Shoes

A pickleball player getting measured for their pickleball shoes

Measuring your feet accurately ensures you find the right size of pickleball shoes. Here’s a guide:

  1. Gather Supplies: You’ll need a ruler or measuring tape, a piece of paper larger than your foot, and a pen or pencil.
  2. Find a Hard Surface: Stand on a hard surface with the paper underneath your foot. Ensure your weight is evenly distributed.
  3. Trace Your Foot: With your pen or pencil held perpendicular to the paper, trace the outline of your foot. Ensure the pen is touching your foot without applying pressure.
  4. Measure Length and Width: Measure the length from the heel to the longest toe and the width across the widest part of your foot. Use the ruler or measuring tape.
  5. Repeat for Both Feet: It’s common for one foot to be slightly larger than the other. Measure both feet and use the larger measurements for the most comfortable fit.
  6. Refer to Sizing Charts: Check the sizing charts provided by the shoe manufacturer or retailer. Match your measurements to their size guide to determine your correct shoe size.
  7. Consider Shoe Types: Different brands or styles may have variations in sizing, so it’s essential to refer to the specific sizing guidelines for the shoes you’re interested in.

Remember, proper sizing is crucial for comfort and performance, so it’s advisable to try on shoes whenever possible or check the return policy if ordering online to ensure the right fit for your pickleball shoes.

Top Pickleball Shoe Brands to Consider

With the growing popularity of pickleball, many brands of shoes are out there, but some stand out above the rest. One of the top brands is K-Swiss, which provides shoes with supportive cushioning and great traction for quick movements on the court.

Another great option is Sketchers, which offers pickleball shoes with a sleek design and responsive cushioning for added comfort. Additionally, ASICS is known for its durability and stability, making it a popular choice among serious pickleball players.

With all these top brands, finding the right pair of pickleball shoes for your game has never been easier.

Where to Buy Pickleball Shoes

Pickleball shoes are available through various avenues, both online and at retail stores. You can explore local sporting goods stores, where you might find a selection of pickleball shoes and benefit from the expertise of the staff. Online retailers like Amazon, Zappos, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Tennis Warehouse, and specialized pickleball equipment websites offer an extensive range of options with different brands, sizes, and styles. 

Additionally, brand-specific websites often showcase their pickleball shoe models. Attending pickleball tournaments or events might provide opportunities to purchase shoes from on-site vendors. Some local pickleball clubs or communities might also have connections to vendors specializing in pickleball gear. 

Before buying, consider factors like sizing, return policies, and reviews to ensure the right fit and performance for your game. Trying on shoes in person can also help guarantee comfort and suitability before purchasing.

Seven Tips to Care for Your Pickleball Shoes

Caring for your pickleball shoes can extend their lifespan and maintain their performance. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Cleaning: After each game or practice session, remove any dirt, debris, or mud from the shoes using a soft brush or cloth. If they’re particularly dirty, gently scrub them with mild soap and water. Allow them to air dry naturally.
  2. Proper Storage: Store your pickleball shoes in a well-ventilated area at room temperature. Avoid leaving them in extreme heat or direct sunlight, which can damage the materials and adhesives.
  3. Rotation: If you play regularly, consider rotating between multiple pairs of shoes. This allows each pair to air out and reduces wear, extending their lifespan.
  4. Avoiding Misuse: Use your pickleball shoes exclusively for the sport. Avoid wearing them for other activities or casual wear, as this can expedite wear and tear.
  5. Replace When Needed: Pay attention to the condition of your shoes. When the treads wear out, the cushioning flattens, or there are visible signs of damage, consider replacing them to maintain support and prevent injuries.
  6. Regular Inspections: Periodically check for any signs of wear, tears, or shoe damage. Address minor issues early on to prevent them from becoming major problems affecting your performance or comfort.

Follow Manufacturer’s Instructions: Some shoes may have specific care instructions provided by the manufacturer. Follow these guidelines for cleaning and maintenance to ensure the best care for your particular pair of shoes.

When Should You Replace Your Pickleball Shoes?

Knowing when to replace your pickleball shoes is crucial for performance and injury prevention. 

Check the soles for wear – if they’re smooth or worn down, your traction might be compromised, increasing the risk of slips. Pay attention to cushioning; flattened or less supportive midsoles can lead to discomfort and potential injuries. 

Look for visible damage on the upper part or changes in fit, which can affect support and stability. Generally, consider replacing shoes every 6-12 months with regular play. Regular assessment ensures your shoes provide the needed support and safety on the court.

Want to learn more? Check out our blog on when to change your pickleball shoes

Summary: The Verdict on Pickleball Shoes

After exploring the importance of proper footwear in pickleball and evaluating expert opinions, it’s safe to say that the role of shoes in this sport is crucial. While some players can make do with regular athletic shoes, others may benefit from investing in specialized pickleball shoes. 

Consider your needs and preferences, and always prioritize comfort, functionality, and budget. With the right pair of shoes on your feet, you’ll be well-equipped to take on the pickleball court with confidence and agility.  

Keep practicing, stay safe, and have fun playing pickleball! See you on the court.

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